Zhangzhou Longhai Bangshan Town Down Fa又輛ctory fires, tens of meters of f木場lames light up the ni可做ght sky

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At 10 o'clock on the這子 evening of August 22, Nanyuan Vill物物age, Bangshan Town, Lo匠家nghai City, Zhangzhou City, Nan間科long Down Products自一 Co., Ltd.

 At 10 o'北兵clock on the evening of August 22, 電要Nanyuan Village, Bangshan Town知為, Longhai City, Zhangzhou City, Nanlong公相 Down Products Co.校關, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to路離 as "down fac廠事tory") nearly 10 acres外雪 of warehouse fire, fla飛短mes up to tens of mete錢車rs. For a time, the sky above男飛 Nanyuan Village was dyed 女資red. After the fire, 樹少villagers continued to女筆 raise water to fight the fi文農re. The Zhangzhou秒腦 Fire Brigade dispatched eight water 愛長tank fire trucks, which took店新 nearly five hours to ext街話inguish the fire. Fortunately, no o男知ne died. The factory s他看taff speculated that t商鐵he fire was caused by a 火和short circuit. The fire departmen日線t is further invest店拿igating the specific rea廠自sons and losses. 10 meters of fl物她ames light up the night上錢 sky "Fire!" At 10 o'c鐘開lock in the evening, the tranq子服uility of Nanyuan Villa年讀ge, was exclaimed by th報也e down factory. Ms. Che西店n, who lived diagon話放ally across the factory, got up a雪老nd walked out the door. The scene in市做 front of her made her stunned: 這黃in the corner of the southeast s雨為ide of the down factory warehouse場村, the fire had almo頻時st burned the ceiling. A glarin海間g flame erupted from the roof, up to n熱唱early 10 meters. From ti電得me to time, there is a 鐘很"beep" s慢妹ound of the line bursting. 科習For a time, at the door of the fact資見ory, several workers were wear場不ing pajamas and h舊時urried out and panicked. More了資 villagers have been雪歌 rushing forward to find ou民場t. "The fire 風好is quite big!" Seeing the 南那night sky lit by 數資the fire, Ms. Chen quickly picked up th嗎麗e phone and dialed 119. After the微樹 fire, the villagers rushed to t是人ell each other and started self-制風help. It’s too late to change th讀工e pajamas and slippers. Sever個通al villagers lifted the buckets, con議電nected the pipes, and went to the ware姐子house to help them put out th樹飛e fire. “There is a fire h笑媽ydrant in the next-民看door factory.” After a reminder from t音雨he staff, four or five villagers r動睡ushed over and quickly picked up妹飛 the fire hydrant and le風內d them to the ware器草house to fight the fire. Aside, several長黃 middle-aged women s文相pontaneously rushe中地d into the warehouse to help訊窗 carry out the down products習煙 that had not been burned. However, 門妹the warehouse is fu公湖ll of down products, and the fir個船e is getting bigger and bigger. When t學來he fire broke do亮動wn the wall of the factory a請刀nd rescued at 10:15 on the night, wh明議en the Longhai Fire Brigade arrived,不文 the fire in the warehous公遠e had spread to the 文火middle of the factory. T學她he fire is getting worse. Due t民聽o the inconvenient traffic in the vill兵匠age, the three fire 聽聽engines can only rescue from the s文月outheast and northeast. This b友內rings great dif暗黑ficulty to the 件湖rescue. Seeing 資輛that the fire was bec關做oming more and more uncontroll你妹able, 10 minutes lat亮做er, the Zhangzhou Fire商著 Brigade sent five additional來農 water tank fire tru科下cks to mobilize. At 11 o'clock t章話hat night, the wate費件r tanker could not directly hi謝為t the fire because the factory was sur師木rounded by a wall. The fire o就腦fficers and soldiers transferred 家小a hook machine and hooked the w空放all. Aside, the employees of the 美會factory have a he他湖avy expression. At 3 o你山9;clock in the mornin歌知g yesterday, the fire was f謝廠inally extinguished. Fortunately, no又廠 one is killed or injur自聽ed. Nearly 10 mu of w通笑arehouses were destroyed. &花還quot;It was a fire before the讀窗 liberation." Af冷作ter that, Mr. Xu, the per月媽son in charge o遠明f the down factory, said that the fact校花ory mainly produces and processes do計離wn raw materials, and has 雜朋nearly 10 acres of warehouse弟裡s. That night, the fa睡老ctory was not put into produ那問ction, but there were arran冷老gements for staff to watch the scene. &動看quot;The fire should be ca自鄉used by a short又又 circuit." Xu Dabo, 讀作who was on duty at the fac商飛tory, said that at about 10 o森藍'clock that night, he was 志舊on duty in the duty ro紙筆om, suddenly "slam自為ming", the duty room電樂 was cut off. He thoug民明ht that it was just a power outage an白是d went out of the森見 duty room to check. The去報n he saw a red light on友資 the southeast side of the wa高船rehouse. Suspected that the circui兵雨t is short-circuited and caused得媽 a fire. According to Mr. Xu, the pers姐分on in charge of the processing 影做plant, the factory mainly produces and看務 processes down raw materia音樹ls, which was not put into 嗎人production that night. In 能做the early stage, he found that the roo我開f of the factory had broken a h不吃ole. He was afraid that it would leak 個現water. He was preparing舊刀 to repair the goods in the舊看 factory after this time. I did not exp草水ect a fire at this time. Acc朋通ording to his estimation, it sh去高ould be caused by a short circuit短白. “It’s really a fire until the 照為day of liberation.” After th他那e accident, he sa很靜id that he would further strengthen t討火he safety management of the plant an畫樹d increase investment in fire prot看白ection facilities to en子男sure that similar accidents no l慢離onger occur. At p船資resent, the cause and loss of fir文兒e are under further investigation.&村音nbsp;        

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