How to wash down jackets? Speci人綠al cleaning agent + soft 學謝brush to dry and tap

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The temperature gradually warmed up,在能 and when  it c工區ame to the winter season, many dry計習 cleaners ushered i器跳n the peak of washing.外廠 Down jackets are common warm c店雪lothing.    How s劇很hould the public clean them? Yeste工火rday afternoon, in a laundry near美他 the postal circuit, the 懂通staff told reporters that  since the務雨 end of February, the numbe兒答r of customers has in謝算creased significantly. The歌高 reporter noticed that the c報嗎abin on the back o術一f the  dry cleaners was full 光他of washed cloth體花es  , mostly down 員討jackets. 

The temperature gradu我用ally warmed up, and when兒唱  it came to the w小校inter season, many dry cleaners ush朋志ered in the peak of wash家懂ing. Down jackets are common w讀吃arm clothing.  服煙  How should the public c些行lean them? Yesterday afternoon, in 員筆a laundry near the postal circuit, 車身the staff told reporter河可s that  since the end 窗照of February, the number 日兵of customers has increased sig近樹nificantly. The reporter noticed that 嗎火the cabin on the back of the身就  dry cleaners間低 was full of washed 懂拿clothes  , mostly down ja舊照ckets. 

Washing down jackets is a &qu河北ot;big project" for ma為放ny people. Miss Sun, 化錢 the public complained:    海哥 "I had eno器筆ugh sunshine in the first two 煙放days.  I washed 2 down jack姐腦ets at home and spent化術 most of the day ." She wo玩明rried that the dow的影n  jackets would be warmed by d跳做ry cleaning or washing ma讀西chine washing. So how do you c業站lean  the do在報wn jacket at home腦的? Ms. Zhang gave a lot o熱頻f advice : If the dow西書n jacket is not too dirty, it can b城日e partially cleaned. Apply鐵資 a special cleaning agent to t多爸he oil stains and stai數多n s,  then gently中年 scrub with a soft brush and water多樂, then wipe the area with the cle愛自aning agent repeatedly with a wet了裡 towel until the foam is no訊物t visible, then dry the wa討動termark with a d地姐ry towel. Drying. If the down jack長視et is dirty,  a full wat兵輛er wash can be used.愛他    Soa高好k the down jacket 服拍in cold water for 20 minu離了tes,  then put it in warm water木西 of 30 degrees, soak it著事 in the washing liquid for 15 草議 minutes ,   then gently行慢 scrub with a soft我朋 brush, then rinse 媽兵it in clean water小店 several times 媽愛to completely remove the residua件哥l liquid. After washing , wash it o事市ff. Don't screw it too dry and志湖 let it dry. After dr現少ying, no need to iron, yo朋作u can gently tap to make it fluffy and 國坐soft.   

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