Miscellaneous hair posin事煙g as "duck" Relate快劇d departments: The amount of cashmer麗腦e exceeds 50% is calle城們d down jacket

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Some time ago, the "Millenniu喝是m Extreme Cold" th又外eory was rumored, althou風很gh the relevant experts denied it森務

Some time ago, the "Millennium Ex員用treme Cold" theory was刀銀 rumored, although the 房機relevant experts deni票關ed it, but the Shanghai問白 Meteorological Depa為友rtment said that the staged low tem算員perature should not be 腦哥underestimated.鐵謝 This information has been captured 坐林by keen merchants, and ha高鄉s emerged as a down jack村內et for cold products. Re費志cently, some citizens ha光姐ve reported that the down jac門討kets that have been bought ba做動ck have been hardened 訊媽after washing and have a smell從月. In the interview可空, the person in charge 能空of the relevant department said that t那飛here is indeed a “多金down” product that uses “smas草數hing hair” to impersonate “都拍duck” and “goose頻路 down”. This "smashe國不d hair" may carry bact頻鐵eria, parasites, etc. i林讀f it is not cle分弟aned. For those &q我她uot;down jackets" who obviously紙術 violate the law of value你外 in the market, they must be cautio票機us to buy.      子紙       工司     &n林南bsp;       &n話懂bsp;        多中;       藍城 


  Reader c公頻omplaint After the down jac資金ket is washed, it is hard and has a友舊 strange smell:      &nb通來sp;     &nbs土短p;      


   “The down jacket that 公美I just bought is very soft and fluffy文上. I didn’t expect it to be ha綠拍rd when I went home 現她to wash the cloth電數es. There was no fluffy feeling at a司匠ll!” Recently, Ms. Zhang reflected t冷術hat she had bought a poor q醫秒uality down jacket. The weather was col村民d last week, and Ms. 又嗎Zhang bought a red down 爸科jacket. "Thi工雪s dress is sold at a disco鄉購unt. I asked the owner w動訊hy the store was on the marke錢了t and the seller said it was becaus妹有e the size was not the same." Ms.河愛 Zhang spent more than 200 yua兵短n to buy the down jacket. "The c水近lothes are stil吃樹l fluffy and flexible, but they alwa水票ys feel that there is a glue smell on讀習 the body, which is very  &資遠nbsp; uncomfortable區友." Just wearing a day, Ms. Zhang南很 washed her clothes錯黃 . I didn't expect the clothes aft信商er washing to be complete算時ly fluffy before, and the&nb國資sp; inner liner was hard. In any c新拍ase, I couldn't recover 請外the way I just bought it 秒妹. The clothes that I washed once件樂 still had a vague smell銀木. Ms. Zhang neg個司otiated with the seller, but the owne湖呢r said that the d紅熱own jacket could not be dry-cleaned be遠國cause Ms. Zhang sent her clothes to dr內自y cleaning to mak生雜e the liner hard. &大讀quot;To this end, I went to th近暗e dry cleaners to know that there i農北s a special way to c農問lean down jackets麗這. Other people's  down jacke上妹ts are fine. Why金志 do my clothes wash hard? An間女d the clothes w離術ill smell strange before cl南制eaning." The lady susp舊跳ected that the stuff of thi雪線s "down jacket" was n身業ot down. For this, the 著微owner refused to admit it, 但玩and because Ms. Zha多妹ng had washed the clothes once, 這月the owner did not accept th中湖e return. "金務Later I searched online 來長and found the so-called 'do水筆wn jacket' that smells bad. The st會放uffing is generally not duck down or g空森oose down." Looking at the hard物坐 "down jacket"湖藍, Ms. Zhang can only smile.  志購   


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